Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hip hip hooray for Wii

Wii has been a surprise hit for Nintendo and has put them back into the forefront of game consoles. The appeal? Well it uses movement to play the games, it's compact, and the games (like bowling and tennis where you move your arms to move the characters) are more socially friendly than say Final Fantasy MCMXVII part V. It's the kinda system that could easily be played at a party. One other selling point is the price. A Wii clocks in at around $300-350 while a ps3 runs around $650-750 and I'm not positive, but I haven't heard of any Wii related beatings and/or robbings (except for accidentally thrown controllers).

Aside from that they just copied what was hot right now. It's white plastic (hmmm) and has lower case ii's in the name (hmmmm^2).

I for one being of the Nintendo generation, am stoked that they are having another console success, but what makes it even cooler is that they basically made a niche for themselves. Many of the people who are buying Wii are not the type of people who would buy PS3 or X-box 360.

Here is a pretty ridiculous ad about the comparison to PS3.

I'll prolly get around to buying one at some point, they are pretty damn fun after all.


Anonymous said...

COME ON BLAKE! Don't go and make a post about the Wii unless you also include information as to when/where I may play one while drinking beer and listening to Kev fakesnore/"computa". In other words, this post was nothing more than a total letdown. Also with this post, our resident Atrain blog statistician, Wren, has officially deemed me "the worst blogger in the bunch" in terms of frequency of posts (good thing he isn't tracking quality, because I blow all you assholes away!).

Anonymous said...

Calm down Evan, don't forget to take your meds.

Quagmire HeadQuarters said...

Don't work saxtor, I have a store planned out for a smash n' grab so I'm sure I'll have one soon. Or maybe just 10-12 months. Plus I'm pretty sure I'm not even in the running for a-town blogger.

Ryan said...

Have you every thought about writing a blog about me? I rule.

I would seriously own you in Wii Sports Tennis. I hit the kid I nanny for in the head with the controller. Watch out.

As written by Krystal logged in as Ryan.