Sunday, June 24, 2007

High purple

I just got my high purple in Muay Thai. This puts me about a year and a quarter out from black belt and having to register my hands as deadly weapons (so made up and retarded)

Here is some of the stiff competition who have been helping me along the way.

God I hate blogs.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Look around you!

As no one probably knows, I spend a lot of my time at work listening to lectures by the teaching company. This is all fine and good if you want to learn facts. But recently, thanks to the help of jer and eric, I've discovered a new lecture series which teaches "Facts?" It's called Look Around You, and it is simply brilliant. Although I don't have the exercise book that the course calls for, I've still learned a whole lot. For example, did you know ectoplasm is perfectly edible and tastes like Pilk(pigs milk). Learn more here:

and here

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hey kev, it's a birthputa.

Happy birthday kev, you've come a long way baby.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Swimming....mmmm, mmmm good.

So I've been doing some swimming as of late in the morning at the Bellingham Arne Hanna aquatic center. It has been pretty energizing, invigorating, and refreshing even without the water slide going.

The really crazy thing about it is the temperature of the water keeps your own body temp down so you don't feel yourself exercising as much. You get a better workout than running without the smelly sweat pants. And afterward I just go and jump in the spa and relax with the old people.

But in the end the best part of it is not having to worry about sharks.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hip hip hooray for Wii

Wii has been a surprise hit for Nintendo and has put them back into the forefront of game consoles. The appeal? Well it uses movement to play the games, it's compact, and the games (like bowling and tennis where you move your arms to move the characters) are more socially friendly than say Final Fantasy MCMXVII part V. It's the kinda system that could easily be played at a party. One other selling point is the price. A Wii clocks in at around $300-350 while a ps3 runs around $650-750 and I'm not positive, but I haven't heard of any Wii related beatings and/or robbings (except for accidentally thrown controllers).

Aside from that they just copied what was hot right now. It's white plastic (hmmm) and has lower case ii's in the name (hmmmm^2).

I for one being of the Nintendo generation, am stoked that they are having another console success, but what makes it even cooler is that they basically made a niche for themselves. Many of the people who are buying Wii are not the type of people who would buy PS3 or X-box 360.

Here is a pretty ridiculous ad about the comparison to PS3.

I'll prolly get around to buying one at some point, they are pretty damn fun after all.

Quagmire's bid to take over the world!

So Quagmire is on the fast track of all things new; Like technology, and fast tracks and new-fast-nologies. Here are some pictures of my new equipment. Sed equipment will aid in the making of stickers, signs, and circuit boards. Also thanks to Josh, Django and Mike for helping get them in. Check it.

(old Exposure unit- max screen size 22"x24")

(New exposure unit- max screen size 28"x48")

UV cure unit. This sucker will cure stickers, signs, circuit boards, cancer, whatever. This is the most sophisticated piece of machinery quagmire has ever posessed.

And look my very own red emergency stop button!

The belly of the beast. It's going to be fun when this thing breaks down.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Murph's War Wound

So The other day I let Murphy outside to run around and do whatever it is that he does out there. When he came in he seemed fine, but I noticed that his side was extra wet. I took a gander and what should I see but a large nasty gash about the size of a nickel. So it was off to the vet to get him all fixed up. They shaved a bunch of his fur off, stitched him up and left a nice drainage tube. On top of that they gave one of those no lick things to prevent him from licking his wound and pulling out the tube. They said it was most likely a fence or jagged piece of metal that did it. I picked him up when he was still high off of the sedative and pretty much freaking out about the whole thing. He's calmed down a bit now and gets the tube out tommorow.

Reverting to his "amorphous blob" stage

The Nasty Closeup

Did someone say lobster tonight?

Thursday, January 4, 2007

The Garbage Pail kids of the early 1900s

So I got this book for Festivus and it is pretty damn amazing. The photographer named Harry Whittier Frees would dress up these animals, hold them and take their pictures with "No maltreatment of the actors, or drugs administered". He sold millions of postcards worldwide between 1906 and the early 1940s. Peta would probably have a field day, oh well.

And My personal Favorite, The ol Bunny driving a chicken cart!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Number one with a bang!

While most people probably write something like "Hey look at me, I'm blogging hueck hueck hueck" I'll spare you the tired rhetardoric. Upon a little introspection, here are the reasons for starting this blog:

1. To keep social and up to date with friends and family
2. To complete the items on my list of things I want to do. You see it's a lot easier to try and fail something when you are by yourself then to try and fail in front of a crowd.
3. To promote my projects and receive feedback on sed projects.
4. To share, care and other touchy feely crap.
5. To share my opinions and ideas.
6. To keep up on typing?
7. To show off that worthless cat of mine.